Bants, bantz, banta, banter... whatever you want to call it. I've collected a few banter-related puns below. Inbetweeners-style. Banterlope Bantersaurus Rex Banteater Banton Dubec Bantomime Bantlepiece Bantony Hopkins Banterberry tales Bantagonist Banti-christ Bantidote Bantasy Bantastic Bantennae Bantom of the Opera Sweat bants Robantic Archbishop of Banterbury Eric Bantona Throw a Bantrum National Banthem Bantman Forever Jazz Bant Santiago Banterbeau Bantonio Banteras On the Bantlepiece Robantic Bottle of Banta Bank of Bantander Comments are closed.
Lee MoranJournalist at HuffPost U.S. -- I'm gradually uploading my archive of photographs of street art (and other things) to this blog. CATEGORIES
September 2023